Our Vision:
To be a locally recognised boutique Mexican restaurant; known for quality, creativity and social engagements.
Our Mission:
To co-create a warm, connecting and joyful dining experience with our staff and customers.
To deliver high-quality Mexican dishes; excellence in taste, nutrition and presentations.
To provide a platform where people engage and connect as a community.
Let's Celebrate!
Unlike any stories where there is a clear beginning, middle, and end - it all started 15 years ago by Alan saying " Amy, I want a change. I want to create quality Mexican food. Without the faintest idea but trusting and loving Alan enough, I said 'YES! Let's do it".
So, that was the beginning of our culinary journey. We started off being part of a franchise. Throughout the eight years, we were grateful for the experiences in learning how to run a business. Our vision however expanded. We wanted to provide a more fresh, diverse and innovative Mexican - inspired food, to be more responsive and reflective of our customers' palate. With the encouragement and support of our customers, we took the courage to launch our very own Mexican restaurant TACOS on 1st July 2012.
Like any business, we grew and expanded and once again we wanted to take it to the next level. It is not always about being BIGGER and BETTER, it is about LOVE, QUALITY, and REFINEMENT. With the name TACOS, we felt it implied a 'franchise mindset'. We wanted a name that captures the vibrancy, colour, and passion for Mexican food and culture. Through a naming competition with over 300 entries, we rebranded as Amor Mexico (Love Mexico) on 5th September 2014.
The vision of Amor Mexico is to be a locally recognised boutique Mexican restaurant; known for quality, creativity, and social awareness. It is our labour of love that goes into every dish and with every person, staff, customers and associates. As a local business, we engage with people and organisations who are aligned with our values of community and social issues that matter.
It is our mission to create a warm, relaxing and welcoming Mexican dining experience, where our customers feel they are cared for and looked after from beginning to end. This is our way to say "Thank you" to our customers for supporting and believing in us. We also want to acknowledge our past and present staff, who have given, and continue to contribute their full commitment and time in bringing joy and professionalism to their service. For that, we are truly blessed and grateful.
So, let's connect, create and celebrate Amor Mexico, our business, your community. Appreciate the history, enjoy the present and create the future of Amor Mexico together!
Alan & Amy To